Hey there!

I’m Alison Shih

After ten years as an attorney in both the private and public sectors and after having served as a career counselor, I launched my coaching business, to help other women find and land jobs that allow them to thrive personally and professionally.

While I’m a total nerd about working conditions and public policy, I also find joy in indulging in a proper trash television marathon (hello, 90 Day Fiancé!), cooking vegetarian meals and having tea parties with my 3-year old daughter.

Nearly a decade ago, I had to relocate to a new city, on the other side of the country, so my husband could start his dream job. It was a pretty big sacrifice for me…

I already had my dream job in New York City as an attorney and loved the life we were living.

New Orleans, where we were moving, was much smaller, we knew no one, and I had no idea what I would do for work when we arrived. 

I learned through practical experience how to build a career from the ground up and became fascinated with the field of career development.

This led me to a job as a Career Counselor at Tulane Law School, helping students of all ages, backgrounds, and goals start their careers.  

I believe that all women deserve to be valued, well-compensated, feel con­nected to the mission of their work, and still have the time and emotional energy to thrive in their personal lives.

Several years later, in June of 2021, I launched Alison Shih Coaching.

At that moment, more than half of the workforce was looking to change jobs, people were quitting, and the term “The Great Resignation” was popularized.

Nearly every month of 2021 saw record numbers of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs, and the charge was led by millennial women. I saw this as a moment where we, as a generation, were seizing on the moment to redefine working conditions and the role work plays in our lives.  

Throughout the pandemic, we saw the systems we rely on for support, stress relief, child care, and community, suddenly disappear. Those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home, did so under duress–often very late into the night.

This was particularly true of those of us who found ourselves caring for young children while simultaneously trying to meet demanding (and increasing) deliverables at our day jobs. Burnout accelerated and our confidence that our employers would take care of us waned.  

We pivoted fast. Pivoting is in our generation’s collective DNA. Older millennials like myself exited high school in a post-9/11 world of insecurity, entered the workforce in the midst of the Great Recession, and many of us parented young children through a pandemic.

Each of these historic events has been punctuated by severe weather events caused by climate change. While we’ve adapted to survive and thrive in an unpredictable world, in many cases, our employers have not.

Armed with the skills of a professional career counselor and a vision for a working world where professional women could find career satisfaction, growth, and flexible working conditions–I launched my business.

By the end of my first year, I’d worked with nearly fifty women to change jobs, almost all had increased their salaries by at least $10,000 (and some by as much as 50%). I’ve seen clients grow as negotiators and as professionals, overcoming imposter syndrome to find the careers they’d always hoped to have, but didn’t feel worthy of.

And I’ve been able to speak at women’s organizations about the power we have as employees and how we can leverage it to create norms in the working world that allow us to thrive.


4 or 6 Week Coaching Session Package

I offer one-on-one coaching sessions, personalized editing of application materials (i.e. cover letters and resumes). These 4 or 6 session packages are tailored to the needs of specific clients. I’ll be in your corner until you find your perfect job role.

One-Off Intensive Sessions

I work individually with clients to guide them wherever they are in their job search process–from directional counseling, to devising a job search strategy, to devising a job search strategy, crafting application materials (i.e. resumes and cover letters), to interviewing skills, through negotiating offers. I am here as a resource with the experience and knowledge to get you where you want to go.

Bite-Size Ressources

I’ve amassed a bank of resources for the job search process that can be found on my online store. You’ll find guides to job searching, developing a resume, writing a cover letter, interviewing, and negotiations.

What you should know about me…

favorite workout


pandemic hobby


Best Special Occasion Recipe

Chinese Tea Eggs

favorite author

Robert Caro

Favorite Movie

Before Sunrise Trilogy

Surprising fact

I’ve officiated 3 weddings!

favorite ice cream



Favorite Dog

My corgi Sadie (of course!)

Here is how my client Alice experienced wor­king with me…

I can confidently say that I would not have my dream job if it were not for Alison. 

When I reached out to Alison, I was spinning my wheels. I was getting interviews, but when it came time to speak with potential employers, I often froze up or got lost in the weeds. Because of this, I typically wasn’t moving on past the first or second round of the process. During our session, Alison taught me how to confidently talk about my skills and experience and how to be myself while doing it. She also helped me to establish preparatory routines that I implemented prior to interviews in order to feel more calm and collected. 

Beyond our session, Alison made herself available to me via email  and phone for last minute questions and concerns. When it came to the negotiating process and deciding between roles, Alison was right there with me. I found that, because I was working with Alison, the feeling of free fall that I had been experiencing dissipated. I knew that I had someone to talk about the job hunt with and that she would be there to turn to. Knowing Alison was there as a resource, I was able to balance my mental health and personal life during the job seeking process.

All told, Alison is a supportive, holistic career coach who met me where I was at and helped me realize my goals.